Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 8, 2010

Havaianas Store

Isay Weinfeld designed the first Havaianas Store in Brazil with a cool, casual, comfortable style, just like the brand.
The store has an informal atmosphere, totally open to the street, almost as an extension of the sidewalk, without door or windows, with plenty of natural light and green.
At street level there is only a small sitting area and a mezzanine that looks over the entire store. The level below that occupies the double height space, is defined by independent elements: a stand recalls the origin of the sandals, which were sold in city markets; a container display the “export” models, which have not been seen in Brazil; a transparent cylinder shows the new products; and a cube exhibit the history of Havaianas. There is also a space to “personalize” your sandals.
In the back of the store, in a semi-high level, there is a small garden for exclusive use by those working in the store. The lower level houses the offices and warehouse.
Photos by Nelson Kon
Via Plataforma Arquitectura

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