Giorgio Borruso Design projected a surrealistic ambience of amoeboid shapes for the italian shop of Fornarina in Las Vegas.
To fight the barnlike 218 square meter rectangular space with 9 meter high ceilings, Borruso designed a series of viscerally organic shapes dominated by four large, hooded, tentaclelike objects hanging from the ceiling. Each one harbors a steel spine carrying LED lighting fixtures and aluminum tubular frames, which in turn support custom acrylic, spherical protuberances encased in a special nylon elastic fabric that they developed with Eventscape.
Shoppers entering the store first confront suspended transparent resin panels 16 feet high, partially enclosing the central space. Blobby fiberglass rings mounted on the vertical panels turn out to be two-sided vitrine elements, in which small-scale items, such as shoes, are displayed. Borruso designed the white custom-cast fiberglass walls to look like soft, fleshy protrusions lighted from inside.

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